Shelter's design system

We use our Shelter UI kit to ensure that we are reusing components, and designing according to our global rules and styles. If you’ve not used a design system before, this might help:

Once a pattern has been built we can view the ‘live’ version in Storybook; which the developers can give you access to. This is a good place for doing QA.

Process for changes or additions to our global components:

Future changes:

  • Not all our components were rebranded in May and the other product teams will be sharing this work moving forward. Components with a team label to the left of them in the UI kit have work outstanding still. The full list is in miro:

  • There is Cross Org work outstanding to align the language used to name design patterns in the UI kit (Figma), codebase (Storybook), and CMS (Contentful). Andrea and Mark created a spreadsheet of proposed changes, here: